
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


James McCarthy has given Latics fans some cheer today by revealing he has resumed training and could be match-fit by the end of January - with Franco Di Santo and Victor Moses also on the road to recovery.

Latics manager Roberto Martinez has already said the trio could be 'our best three signings' this January and McCarthy is raring to go.

"I can't wait to get back," he says, "my biggest problem has been trying to do to too much too quickly, and the physios are always having to tell me to slow down!"

The midfield dynamo has been sorely missed by the team after picking up an ankle injury against Bolton Wanderers in October, but the young Irishman has worked hard to recover and has targeted late Januaryl for a possible comeback: "I'm hoping to be back for the Arsenal game at the end of the month," he said, "I'm not 100 per cent sure, but that's definitely the target I've set for myself. 

"I've started kicking the ball and hopefully this week I'll get more involved in the rest of the training."

"I started training outside with Victor and Franco, and that was a big step forward," he said, 

"It was getting a bit frustrating in the gym, but getting outside cheered us all up."

Glasgow-born McCarthy also spoke of his frustration at sitting on the sidelines but said things had been made easier by having another injured training partner in the gym: "Although it wasn't good for the team, I was fortunate that a few weeks after I did my ankle Victor (Moses) did his shoulder.

"It's meant we've been able to work together in the gym, and it's always good to have someone there working alongside you.

"We're around the same age, we get along very well, and we've really helped each other."

Moses is also progressing well and the return of these two gifted youngsters along with Franco di Santo will give the side a real boost: "The manager has been saying that it'll be like having three new signings, and hopefully we can all make an impact." said McCarthy.

"We're sitting in the relegation zone now, where we definitely don't want to be, and we need to try and kick the team on.

"I'm sure the gaffer will be looking to bring in one or two players in this month, we've been limited in recent weeks because of the number of players we've had available, but I'm confident we'll be all right."

The return to first team football of the injured players will intensify competition for places, but McCarthy thinks this will be good for the team as the battle to move up the table: "Competition like that is always good for the club and can only boost the players to give everything they have.",,10429~2264384,00.html

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